about us

E-facilitation & fulfilment

Increasingly, more people are working away from their families, whether nationally or transnationally.

More people also find that the pressure on their time has increased. We provide solutions to support your instructions, information search, and local errants to be fulfilled.

We also facilitate social and business interactions and online trading. We use modern electronic and mobile tools and platforms to facilitate and fulfill instructions, search, interactions, and commerce.


E-Facilitaion & Fulfilment Solutions & Services


Majiclean is a service that provides access to clean and safe water. Majiclean adds value at any or all points of the clean water supply chain: at source point, treatment, storage, distribution, packaging, and delivery, including water systems installation.


This is a service for water harvesting. We provide solutions that support small scale and large scale rain water harvesting using modern techniques.


Energysafi is a service that harnesses and delivers power from clean energy sources: solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and small hydropower.